Air Squat


Air Squat is a fundamental, yet extremely important exercise that increases strength in the lower extremity – particularly the glutes and quadriceps.  While we may not realize this, we utilized this movement pattern everyday, whether it is getting out of the car or off of our office chairs.  Despite its simple movement, air squatting can provide a challenge when performed with proper technique.



  • begin with feet hip-width apart with toes pointed slightly outward
  • engage core and slightly stick chest out by bringing shoulder blades down and in
  • bend knees and simultaneously push bottom out as if sitting in a chair
  • keep weight on heels and ensure that knees stay behind toes
  • descend body until quads are parallel to the ground and bring arms in front to keep balance
  • ensure that knees are externally rotated (knee should not cave in)
  • extend legs to return to starting position

Skill Progression




Air Squat
