Alternating V-Ups


The Alternating V-Up is a variation of the v-up, and is an exercise designed to activate the core.  The body must work extra to maintain balance since only one leg is lifted at a time, making this a very effective core strengthening and stabilization exercise.  For best results, try to maintain a solid rhythm between each v-up.  Scale by performing standard v-ups.



  • lie on back with arms extended overhead
  • palms should face the ceiling and back of hands touching the floor
  • legs should be together and core engaged
  • lift hands and feet few inches off the floor to get into a hollow position
  • bend at the hips to lift upper body while only lifting one leg
  • at the pinnacle, hands should touch or come close to the lifted leg, while the other leg remains flat
  • open up body angle and simultaneously lower elevated leg
  • alternate legs with each v-up

Skill Progression




Alternating V-Ups
