Back Kip to Handstand on Rings (Reverse Muscle Up to Handstand)


A Back Kip to Handstand on Rings is an advanced level upper body ring exercise that requires superior strength and stability in the handstand.  This skill blends the elements of a backward roll on rings, as well as a handstand on the rings.  This being said, it is important that these two elements are perfected before attempting this skill.



  • begin in a hang or support
  • if starting from support, maintain pressure on the rings while rolling backwards to get into an inverted pike position
  • if starting from hang, bend body at the hips and turn body over to get into an inverted pike position
  • from an inverted pike, open hip angle in a quick but controlled fashion and turn body over while keeping the rings as close to the body as possible
  • as you turn over, think about driving the feet into the ceiling as you extend your body into a tight and straight position
  • maintain rings as close to the body as possible and momentarily catch yourself in a shoulder stand
  • slowly extend arms to press up to handstand


Skill Progression




Back Kip to Handstand on Rings (Reverse Muscle Up to Handstand)
