Freestanding Handstand on Parallettes

Video coming soon


Very few professional gymnasts will argue that the Handstand is the most important skill in the sport of gymnastics.  Many gymnastics-related skills, whether it be the most basic to the most difficult, require the ability to maintain a solid handstand position.  Maintaining postural control while upside down is one of the main keys to success in the sport of gymnastics.  The importance of this position is beginning to spread into many realms, especially with handstands beginning to play a major role in the CrossFit and calisthenic world.  The key to developing a solid handstand is to practice perfectly.  Building the correct foundation is of utmost importance as poor habits become hard to break.  To scale, perform handstand holds against the wall.



  • begin in a stand with tight core
  • lunge with dominant leg and grab onto parallettes
  • while keeping strong downward pressure on the parallettes and arms locked out, drive the rear leg (non-lunging leg) towards the ceiling
  • allow other leg to follow and join legs at the top
  • tighten core and hold handstand position, ensuring that the body forms a straight line from head to toe,
  • head should be in line with arms
  • maintain balance by using hands, wrists, fingers, and shoulders

Skill Progression




Freestanding Handstand on Parallettes
