Handstand Against the Wall


If a handstand is a new position to you, a wall is the best tool that you can utilize to develop the foundation needed to perform a technically sound handstand.  In general, it is recommended that Handstands Against the Wall be performed with stomach facing the wall.  The reason for this is because there is a natural tendency to arch the back when performing when the back is against the wall.  However, when the stomach is facing the wall, it is much easier to focus on maintaining a straight body position – an action critical to finding the vertical alignment.



  • find a wall and ensure that ample space is available
  • stand with back against the wall and bend knees to squat into a tucked position
  • place hands in front of you and walk your feet up the wall to get into a handstand position
  • slowly walk your hands as close to the wall as possible
  • body position should be in a perfect vertical alignment with all joints, from wrists all the way to the toes, forming a straight line
  • activate core by squeezing buttocks and ensure that small of back is straight
  • hands should be shoulder width apart with index fingers pointed straight forward

Skill Progression




Handstand Against the Wall
