Handstand Pushups Against the Wall is an exercise that develops upper body and core strength. Similar to when performing a standard handstand against the wall, it is recommended that you direct your stomach towards the wall to avoid an arched back. Another recommendation is pointing your toes – this creates less friction between your feet and the wall, allowing for smoother movement. In order to maximize the benefit of this exercise, ensure that proper form and body tightness is kept during the entire movement. Place a small mat underneath your head to avoid injury.
- find a wall and ensure that ample space is available
- get into a handstand
- body position should be in a perfect vertical alignment with all joints, from wrists all the way to the toes, forming a straight line
- activate core by squeezing buttocks and ensure that small of back is straight
- hands should be shoulder width apart with index fingers pointed straight forward
- slowly bend elbows to lower body, taking caution on the way down to avoid hitting head on the ground
- once head is at ground level, push against the floor to extend elbows and return to handstand
- ensure that the body stays tight, especially avoiding arching during the ‘push up’ phase