Lateral Pushups


Lateral Pushups are unique variations of pushups that place emphasis on one side of the body at a time.  By maintaining proper rhythm, lateral pushups will develop power while also improving reflex and coordination.  Similar to any form of pushup, ensure that the lower back does not sag and that proper form is maintained throughout the entire movement.



  • begin in a standard pushup position with arms wider than shoulder width
  • ensure that shoulders are stacked over the elbows and hands, and core is engaged
  • bend one elbow while extending and pushing outward with the other arm,
  • allow torso to lower towards the bent arm
  • extend the bent arm while pulling in with the extended arm to return body back to center and original pushup position
  • alternate directions with each pushup
  • a tight body position should be maintained at all times and ensure that the torso remains parallel to the ground at all times

Skill Progression




Lateral Pushups
