Plank with Shoulder Taps


Plank with Shoulder Taps are core exercises that help develop the understanding of weight shift while on balancing on your arms.  The understanding of this movement can be beneficial for when learning more complex gymnastics-related exercises and movements.  For best result, focus on engaging your midsection to ensure that your body moves as a single unit.  Scale by performing standard planks.



  • begin in a plank position
  • core should be engaged and shoulders aligned over elbows and hands
  • slightly lean towards one side by distributing weight towards desired support arm
  • once you feel enough weight on the support arm, lift the non-supporting arm off the floor to tap the shoulder of the supporting arm
  • simultaneously shift weight back to the middle as you return the non-supporting arm back onto the floor to finish in starting position
  • alternate side each time

Skill Progression




Plank with Shoulder Taps
