Ring Rows


Ring Rows are exercises that target the upper back and the core muscle system.  For best results, ensure that your body does not bend at the hips and that the buttocks remain tight in order to maintain a straight body position. This exercise can also help with developing the strength required to hold a front lever position.  In general, a block or platform is necessary to make sure that the feet are at the same height of the rings.



  • begin on a set of rings and prop feet on a platform so that feet are roughly at the same height as hands
  • ensure that body is completely straight by engaging core and making sure that head is in a neutral position
  • while maintaining position, bend elbows to elevate the body
  • continue to elevate the body until chest is in line with the the rings
  • momentarily hold the position at the top before slowing extending arms to finish in original position

Skill Progression




Ring Rows
