Ring Support Hold


Many ring-related elements stem from a standard Ring Support Hold, thus making it extremely important to have a solid grasp of this position if you wish to progress into more complex ring elements.  While at first glance, a standard support hold may seem mundane, this is actually a great exercise that develops solid upper body and core strength if performed with correct technique.  For best results, ensure that the arms stay locked and that the rings are turned out so that the arms do not rest on the straps.



  • jump to a support position on the rings
  • straighten arms and push down on the rings as if you are driving hands into the ground
  • turn the rings straight out so that they are parallel to each other and ensure that arms are not touching the straps
  • engage core to form a straight body position beginning with the head, all the way down to the toes

Skill Progression




Ring Support Hold
