Straddled Planche on Rings


A Straddled Planche on Rings is a static hold position that is as much a strength element as it is a balance element.  While the concept of holding this position on the rings is the same as holding it elsewhere, the instability of the rings makes this skill slightly more challenging.  For best results, straddle the legs as wide as possible so that the weight of the legs are shifted as close to the center of mass as possible.  Additionally, utilize your body as a lever and lean the body forward until you feel the balance point.  Strengthening the balance point is the key to holding this position.



  • begin in a support position on rings
  • hands should be shoulder width apart with arms locked out
  • engage core and lean forward and slightly pike the hips to elevate lower half of body
  • when upper body becomes parallel with the ground, straddle legs and extend hip angle
  • lean forward to find the optimal balance point and hold

Skill Progression




Straddled Planche on Rings
