V-Hold on Rings

Video coming soon


A V-Hold is a static strength element that activates the abdominal muscles and hip flexors.  Similar to the L-hold, the V-hold is also regarded as one of the most picturesque positions in the sport of gymnastics for its display of strength and flexibility.  While the concept of holding this position on the rings is the same as holding it elsewhere, the instability of the rings makes this skill a little more challenging.  For best results, continue to develop flexibility in the pike position, as having more mobility in the glutes and hamstrings will reduce the amount of strain felt while holding the V-position.  Scale by performing an L-hold on rings.



  • begin in a support position on the rings
  • ensure that core is tight and body is upright
  • without rounding the back, bend at the hips and elevate legs until they are almost touching the face
  • legs should remain straight and head in a neutral position

Skill Progression




V-Hold on Rings
